Hope; 0.5 mL

FFfAW Week of 4-22-2015 sponsored by Priceless Joy at Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Photo Courtesy: Vanessa Rodriguez


0400 Hrs, Platform #1, Millbrae Station

She clutched the vial in her right hand. And waited at her usual place on the bench.

The solitary pigeon on the platform hopped close to her. And flapped its wings thrice. She administered the dose efficiently.  Within seconds he was Mark. They hugged. He asked about their dog Minka.

The drug wasn’t commercially available yet. Soon it will be.

Loved ones who left you because of an untimely death could come back temporarily.  At the same location and time where the death took place. In a form most convenient to them.

The effect of a single dose lasted exactly 15 minutes. You simply had to be regimented into a routine.

For now, her entire life hinged on that magnetic clock on the refrigerator door.


Word Count 125

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