
Friday Fictioneers sponsored by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to Purple

28th August, 2015

Photo Prompt – ©Claire Fuller

PHOTO PROMPT - ©Claire Fuller

They led her to the Chamber. Head shaved, hands and feet bound in chains, eyes blank.

The Councillor read aloud.

You desist

You succumb

Your soul dies. A little.

And then some.

Your soul is fully dead

Mutant# 4789.  Is no more.

The crowd watched in silence as he administered the injection.

She remembered sandy beaches, seashells. Mangoes in summer. Mom’s gentle hand on her feverish forehead. Her best friend’s reassuring smiles.

Before darkness.

Before the nightmares.

Before he turned everything good, nice into dirty, ugly.

Before temptation.

She’d surrendered.

She simply stopped breathing.
Her eyes didn’t flicker.
Not once.


Word Count: 100

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